25 November 2008

exam tomorrow

but someone isn't interested in letting me study. :)

24 November 2008


it's amazing how quickly time gets away from me and i forget to record my thoughts.

it was a tough weekend for me emotionally, although for no reason outside of myself. i've struggled a lot lately with my attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors towards myself... i truly believe the humbling i've received in medical school has transferred to my own self-image, and i've come out the rougher (but eventually stronger?) for it. it's more readily apparent every day that i'm not perfect, and this permeates my thoughts. i suppose it's not a bad way to live, but it is emotionally draining to believe the worst about myself and know so often it's true. still working on this. healthy doses of encouragement are accepted... i have more than my fill of reality.

when not wallowing in self-pity, i spent time being culinary! on saturday, i woke up early and prepared an amazing pot roast to be cooked all day. carrots, potatoes, two kinds of onions, fresh garlic, lima beans, green peppers... all put together in the slow cooker with a 2lb. cut of beautiful top round beef. ::insert smell-o-vision here:: 8 hours in the slow-cooker, forever in my memory. YUM.

most of the rest of the weekend was devoted to cleaning the apartment and studying for my hematology/oncology exam. this has been an incredibly dreadful thing to do... i find any and everything more interesting than hematology. (sorry, blood, you're just boring.)
talking with classmates, a lot has to do with the quality of lectures this module: subpar. today i actually got called out in class for yawning by the lecturer, who, prior to calling me out, insisted that "all of you with laptops need to stop looking at porn and answer my questions." wow. thanks, UASOM.

anyways, regardless my obligatory bitching, life is great. my sweet kitty woke me up this morning with copious purring and nuzzling, and henry takes care of me better than i do myself. if i could just get past these pesky exams, i could enjoy some turkey... here's to trying! cheers.

15 November 2008


Really enjoyed Quantum of Solace! We saw it last night after eating dinner out and spending some time shopping. All in all, I'm still assessing its quality vs. Casino Royale, but I definitely enjoyed it.

1st week of Hem/Onc was pretty tiring... it's great to know this is only a 3.5 week class.

The sky has managed to turn some shade of bluish-purple tonight; there's a storm brewing! Should be a great night in. Henry and I have our first attempt at home-made chili simmering in the crock pot and a sleep-drunk kitten on our hands. Mmmmm Saturdays... wish they were everyday.

10 November 2008


back to class... on a cold monday morning. fall break was good to me, aside from losing my glasses. i read a book, cleaned the apartment, organized the study, got board review stuff together, etc. henry and i spent two days in chattanooga (a new place for me!) and i felt like a kid the whole time. we went to the aquarium, rode the incline railway, and scaled all the formations at rock city.

after spending so many years away from henry, it is glorious to wake up next to him every morning.

05 November 2008

pages turning.

i would hereby like to flog myself for never having finished reading Atonement long before now. i still haven't seen the movie (movies from books are lame, pssh), but i've read other Ian McEwan, so i should have known this would make me laugh and cry and feel everything in between.

i love reading. i need this sanity that is fall break to remember how to feel.

(and what a night it was last night for remembering how to feel... change has come to America.)

heavenly dark chocolate brownies are rising in the oven in a slippery, red silicone bake pan (finally breaking in a lovely wedding gift). soon this whole place will smell of glorious chocolate... and even so, i will probably be more greedily devouring the last few pages of this book.

04 November 2008

+1 vote.

Democracy ROCKS!

03 November 2008

much-needed break

it's fall break this week, and it's just a glorious time for a break! i'm so thrilled to have some time to let my brain rest in the midst of medical school. i started the week off getting down to business. today, i have spent the day cleaning, vacuuming, rearranging, organizing, sorting, washing dishes, laundry, dusting, scooping litter, scrubbing the bathroom, and straightening up. this apartment will sparkle soon.

i'm excited about the election
tomorrow. i have discovered two wonderful incentives for those wishy-washy voters out there: free Starbucks coffee for voters and free Ben & Jerry's tomorrow. i encourage everyone to spend some time in thought about what is important to them before voting. in the past, i have been a party to voting based on what a pastor, professor, or friend has encouraged me to vote... this year (and from now on), i will vote with my own brain. i have decided to vote for Obama, as i claim a "whole"-life stance rather than a mere "pro-life" stance. the latter is important, but the former is paramount. we can claim as Christians that bringing children into this world is important, but we cannot forget about them once they are here! no, i will not give in to the right-wing hype. and i will not legislate personal convictions, nor do i support a president who would. but i encourage you... no matter what i say... decide what's important to you and vote that way. don't let other people decide your vote!

henry and i enjoyed some time with friends at the med school Halloween party on friday night. i went as the game 'Operation' and henry went as my 'doctor'.