21 July 2009


so one of my hobbies i've spent more time on over the past few weeks is cooking. it definitely has something to do with watching too much food network. it is also probably related to me and henry's attempts at saving money.

here's my latest creation: pico de gallo. i left out the jalapenos, but served it with shredded pepper jack cheese on chicken tacos, so it still had a great kick. oh man, just looking at this picture i can smell the cilantro. also good with $2 santitas chips from the western across the street. nomnomnom.


hlpie said...

$2 santita chips have been the downfall of any attempts of me cutting back in food intake. they are heaven sent - especially with homemade salsas/dips :-) yuuummmmy!!!!

Amanda Wortham said...

I am also obsessed with food and its Network. For the love of all things culinary, POST THE RECIPE!